Food Parcels, blankets and clothes are always needed to alleviate the needs of the poor. The CMR assists people to free themselves from the grip of poverty and become part of the mainstream economy. We encourage people to join our needlework, gardening, and other projects to enable them to become self-sufficient. The congregations and the CMR work together to evaluate the material need and assist when possible.

Find out more about Poverty Relief on Wikipedia

How can the CMR help?

  • Family is seen by the social worker to ascertain needs and the nature of the needs.
  • What has been done by the family themselves.
  • The family is referred to other resources such as food schemes, clothing shops etc.
  • Should it be necessary the family may be evaluated intensively by the social worker and then referred with a recommendation to the church’s alimentation committee.
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How you can help!

There are plenty of ways you can help, all of which are welcome!

Skilled Help

Professional People are needed to help manage the organisation. You can volunteer your time and share your valuable skills.


Any Volunteers? We can’t do the work without our volunteers who has been supporting us for many years.


We believe that dynamic partnerships with the private sector are essential to solving complex social welfare challenges.


Whether it is blankets, canned goods, clothing, toys or vehicles you have to give – We are always in dire need of any extra goods to help others where we can.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

430 Quebec St, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0043

Call Us: 012 361 4619